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C J Littlejohns HealthPrize

About C J Littlejohns

Learn more about the man behind the prize.

About the Winners

Learn more about previous winners , read their essays and find out more about them .

How to Apply

are you eligible for the prize? 

 The CJ Littlejohns Medical Prize was established in 2013 to support students applying for medical school. In 2024 the prize was expanded  to all pupils in years 12 and 13) who are considering a health related university course . This is interpreted as any scientific or vocational course linked to health care.  From  2024 the annual prize will be called  the CJ Littlejohns Health Prize. The annual prize will be awarded on the basis of an essay on any health related issue . The word limit is 2500 words. The prize attracts a financial component of £250.

On behalf of the family his son  Professor Peter Littlejohns said


“Throughout his life Cecil John was committed to helping others in the community. This prize means that his legacy of generosity will continue in the future as an encouragement to young people applying to University  in order to embark on a health related career  "

The Latest Winner - 2024


This year was the first time the new Health Prize was awarded. It was shared between Nia Owen and Eve Bessent. In June Professor Peter Littlejohns visited the school and met the prize winners. He also met the Head Kathleen Lawlor and discussed future arrangements for the prizes.

He will visit the school again in November to attend the remembrance service and have a discussion with 6th form pupils ​


2020 will be considered the year of Covid-19

The  2015 CJL prize winner Cara Macey tells what it is like to volunteer on the wards as a medical student 


During the uncertain period we experiences during Spring 2020, several medical students, including myself volunteered to help support the staff and Departments in our local hospitals.


Over a 6-month period, I was welcomed and supported by a fantastic team and getting involved in the day to day care of looking after patients as a health care support worker.


In this role, I was responsible for providing a more caring aspect to patient needs such as helping them with their activities of daily living. This was starkly different to my role as a medical student where the focus is more on their medical concerns. I feel that by being able to experience both sides of patient requirements I am much more aware and understanding of the various roles and their demands in the day to day running of the ward. On reflection, this has allowed me to provide better care as a future doctor as I am able to assess these aspects moving forward.


Furthermore, using the skills I had acquired as a medical student e.g. taking bloods, inserting canular and preforming ECGs, I was able to perform these tasks on behalf of medical staff, allowing them to attend more serious and pressing matters. I found it very rewarding being able to contribute my skills to support a fantastic team who especially in the challenging circumstances.


Whilst life for me has returned to a ‘new normal’ and my studies and placements have now commenced again, I will always be grateful and thankful for this experience. Whilst at time I found the situation challenging, by being able to participate in a more caring setting I have developed skills and a personal understanding of what is expected of the various staff involved in the day to day running of the ward. I will always be extremely thankful to the team for being so supportive and taking the time to allowing me to get involved as much as possible. The skills I have develop will enable me to be a better care provider and a future doctor.




Prestigious awards received

by 2014 CJL Prize Winner

Katy, the 2014 CJL Prize winner has received a  national award at the Palace of Westminster.  Her work on widening access to medical school at Southampton Medical School was recognised by being runner up in the national  "widening participation" competition organised by Health Education England. Katy is now President of the Southampton Widening Access to Medicine Society (WAMSOC). She was also runner up at the Southampton  Medical School Spring Ball Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Medicine. This was out of all of the students at Southampton Medical School. 


 2023  CJL Global Health Prize

In 2017 a new prize was added to the CJ Littlejohns prize portfolio -  the CJ Littlejohns Global Health Prize. This is awarded for the best poster presentation in the Global Health Module of the Masters in Public Health  at King's College London. The 2023 winners were Deborah Longe ; Chichi Ukoha; Sana Zain; Reshma Ramesh; Bipasha Deuri  (see photos below) . Read the winners'  bios and appreciate the range of backgrounds that can lead to an interest in Public Health. 

Deborah Longe
Chichi Ukoha
Sana Zain
globalthealth 24_ final.png
Reshma Ramesh
Bipasha Deuri

The Peter Littlejohns Society Award

2024 is the 25 year anniversary of the establishment of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) . The Institute seeks to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and fairness of health care through the application of evidence in an ethical manner. It’s Founding Clinical and Public Health Director was Professor Peter Littlejohns who was a pupil at Gowerton Boys School from 1966 to 1973. In recognition of the role that the Institute has had in supporting fairness in health care a new annual prize - the Peter Littlejohns Society Prize has been established  This will  be awarded on the basis of an essay on the subject of “Science, Art and Society”. The subject is open to any interpretation that the pupil wishes as long as they address the relationship between all three elements. All pupils in year 12 and year are eligible. The word limit is 2500 words. The prize attracts a financial component of £250

The Lottery of Devolved Cancer Care 

To explore the dilemmas of prioritising health care Professor Peter Littlejohns has produced a film called “The lottery of Devolved Cancer Care”. It examines variation in access to expensive cancer drugs in the home countries. It is based on the circumstances that led Ifron Williams moving from Wales to England to get his treatment and then how he established his campaign “Hawl i Fyw”  to get fair access to health services.

"I think it is beautifully filmed and thought provoking to those who are outside this bubble of cancer treatment "   Rebecca Willams Ifron's widow July 2017


To commemorate the 100 yr anniversary of the birth of CJ Littlejohns a special one off CJ Littlejohns Society  Prize  was awarded 2016. All students in the school were invited to submit a work of art depicting 100 yrs of Welsh Society. The winner was Jacob Arnold with a picture of Pennard Castle, second was Ross Williams with a print of dragons and Carys Buckley, Ilia James and Anastasia Edwards came third with a collage depicting memories of Gowerton School

Useful information for prospective medical students

Covid-19 blogs

Experiences of a doctor as a patient

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